Sunday, August 18, 2013

God's work: making pickles

   Cucumbers have not done well in my garden, which is a shame because my entire family adores them. 
   Recently we were delighted to receive a big bag of home grown cukes. 
   They were beautiful on the outside. however we were saddened by the first bite as they were so bitter we could not eat them raw. 
   I have never made pickles before, and I had little hope that pickling something that was already bitter would make it taste better, but decided it was worth a try at making refrigerator pickles before condemning the fruit to the compost pile.
   I searched for a recipe, and ended up making my own which I will post at bottom.  The recipes I looked at said to wait 3-7 days and the pickles would be ready. Today was the third day, so I decided to do a taste test to see how they were progressing....they were fantastic!  
   I was pondering this amazing transformation and it occurred to me that this is like what God does for us. He takes our bitter parts, the ones that we think cannot be of use to anyone, and he transforms them into something amazing that is worthy of sharing!

Here is the link to the recipe as promised

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