Monday, May 27, 2013


Last year with rising food costs, and my two daughters growing into vegetable lovers, I decided it was finally time to stop talking and actually create the long desired raised bed garden. I did a little Internet research and looked at both homemade and store bought versions. I decided it would be cheap and easy to make my own by having Home depot cut boards for me and getting my husband to help me nail them together into squares. The dirt actually cost more than all the other supplies put together. I have since heard that there is a local place you can buy soil by the truck load for a much cheaper price, but I don't have a truck, so for now I have to get it in the plastic bags.  I started with three four by four beds, and researched square foot gardening and companion planting which are the two methods I am most interested in. Last year we had a very small crop due to our late start, but we did get some tomato, jalapeƱo, a very delicious cantaloupe, and a lot of herbs. The garden is off to a great start this year, and my following posts will be about creating the beds last year, and then skip into this years garden experience. I will also be adding tips and recipes as I go. 

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